June 5, 2012

Nike Stuff

I feel like I'm getting called out. This quote is cold and blunt but true. Very true. Its now or never. We either do what we want or we don't. Its that simple, there are no complications to it. Why do we complicate it? Why do we clutter simplicity with excuses? "Do or do not, there is no try." Its all a mindset. You either say "I'm going to do it," and make it a priority or you say "I'll try to do it, maybe," and forget it all together. You have time to complain, to check your email, to snoop your ex's facebook but you don't have time to hit the gym? Nonsense. People are going to remember you for the things you did, not the things you intended to do. No excuses, no complaints. Its now or never.

Barry Sanders Quote: 

“Too often we are scared. Scared of what we might not be able to do. Scared of what people might think if we tried. We let our fears stand in the way of our hopes.
We say no when we want to say yes. We sit quietly when we want to scream. And we shout with the others, when we should keep our mouths shut. Why? After all, we do only go around once. There’s really no time to be afraid.
So stop. Try something you’ve never tried. Risk it. Enter a triathlon. Write a letter to the editor. Demand a raise. Call winners at the toughest court. Throw away your television. Bicycle across the United States. Try bobsledding. Try anything. Speak out against the designated hitter. Travel to a country where you don’t speak the language. Patent something. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. JUST DO IT.” 
Barry Sanders
    My take: fear cripples us. Where great men think, "why not?" the remainder look for reasons and excuses as to why things won't work. The fact of the matter is we have the same hands and feet as everyone else. Edmund Hillary, the first man to climb Everest, had two hands and two feet. What is the difference between him and me? He trained. He focused. He had a dream. He made goals and achieved his dream. Surely I can dream and train as well. Our mind fuels our body. If your brain's mantra is: you can't, you can't, you can't it's time to reevaluate and adopt a new mantra. You determine whether you become average or not.

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